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Pigeon - Toddler Tooth Paste (pre order)

Regular price
RM 29.90
Sale price
RM 29.90
Regular price
RM 0.00

A gel-like toothpaste made to a consideration of toddlers graduating from baby food, which is more concerned on getting dirty teeth or tooth decay.

  • Suitable for 1 and the half year old baby.
  • Contains fluorine (sodium fluoride), a medicinal ingredient that promotes remineralisation of teeth and strengthens tooth structure.
  • Contains xylitol (wetting agent) that does not produce acid that causes tooth decay.

    base: Purified water
    wetting agent: xylitol, PG
    cleaning agent: silicic anhydride
    Nebayuizai: carboxymethylcellulose Na
    medicinal ingredients: sodium fluoride
    Preservative: benzoic acid Na, ethylparaben